Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Training Guide For Diversity Within The Workplace Essay
Introduction This training guide for diversity in the workplace has been developed for business owners and management in, to help recognize and encourage cultural diversity in the workplace. It is important that business acknowledge economic , social contribution of diversity in the workplace and use the skills and views of today’s society. Diversity training will help improve customer service and competitiveness here in the U.S. and globally. We have a tradition in the U.S. for acknowledging the difference of culture, ethnicity, language and faith. With that being said, having diversity in the workplace is very important and will lead to a healthier, happier, and more productive work environment. It will also benefit the company as well. Diversity in the workplace not only have to comply with anti-discrimination laws, but it has it competes with talent, overcome obstacles involving skills and increase and maintain talent by meeting expectation regarding opportunities. We must constantly be involved with adapting to the realities of the increased workforce and customer diversity so that they can thrive in culturally diverse businesses here in the U.S. and outside of the U.S. This guide is made to assist in business challenges and focus on the benefits of managing cultural diversity in the workplace. It also includes conduct for training management, so it will help build skills for incorporating cultural diversity into planning, development, and customer service.Show MoreRelatedThe Best Practices Diversity Management And How Do They Improve Organizational Performance?924 Words  | 4 Pagespractices in diversity management and how do they improve organizational performance? Introduction As we enter the new phase of modern labor, diversity in the workforce is rapidly increasing. This wave of multiculturalism is here to stay and cannot be ignored by the present workers or students that are preparing to take charge of the future workforce. It is in need of attention in order to uphold the well-being and success of businesses and organizations all over the world. Diversity TheRead MoreManaging Diversity Within The Workplace1605 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract- Managing Diversity in the workplace requires a lot of focus, training, and time. This paper gives an insight into the world of management and how diversity plays a big part. It explores the key benefits to putting emphasis on diversity and also how not putting emphasis on diversity could hurt your business. This paper also gives examples on how to go about managing diversity in the workplace. With proper focus on managing diversity, your organization can be at a big advantage. I. INTRODUCTIONRead MoreApplying Organizational Behavior Theory? Essay1280 Words  | 6 Pagesinteractions and ability to work in groups. 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Some organizations have started reaping the benefits of employees’ diversity at their workplaces. Some public and private organizations have promoted women and minorities to leadership positions, which was rear in the past. Despite the advantages diversity brings in various organizations and the initiatives taken by organizations to promote it, implementing it poses challenges in different organizations. Initiatives to promote diversity The demographicRead MoreDiversity And Diversity Of Diversity1657 Words  | 7 PagesThus, diversity studies would then be reduced to the conclusion that ‘everyone is different’ and, if this conclusion is accepted, the concept of diversity may become â€Å"nothing more than a benign, meaningless concept†(Nkomo, 1995). The danger in narrowly defining diversity, however, is that only one dimension of cultural diversity (race, age, ethnicity, or gender) is by and large the subject of research at a time. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Essay - 1513 Words
Harriet Ann Jacobs once said that slavery is a curse to the whites as well as to the blacks. As for the colored race ‘it needs an abler pen than mine to describe the extremity of their sufferings, the depth of their degradation.’ Her book ‘Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl’ is one of the most important fugitive slave narratives. She wrote during the same time as Frederick Douglass, although she was hesitant to publish her story. She was a part of the abolitionist movement and was a former slave, very much like Frederick Douglass. Frederick Douglass was an influential writer and abolitionist speaker who was born into slavery in Maryland as Frederick Bailey. He worked as a slave on farms in the Eastern Shore and enjoyed more freedom†¦show more content†¦Towards the end of the book, Douglass makes an appeal to religion. He tells us that Captain Auld (one of his masters) attended a Methodist Camp. Douglass hoped that learning about religion would allow Captain Auld to emancipate the slaves or atleast become more kind and humane. Instead, it ‘made him more cruel and hateful in all his ways; for I believe him to have been a much worse man after his conversion that before’. He makes an ethical appeal here as Captain Auld justified slavery by using religion. The next method of appeal that Douglass uses extensively throughout this narrative is Pathos. The persuasive element is seen when Mr. Gore is introduced and he narrates what happened to Demby. After being whipped by Mr. Gore, Demby runs into the creek to suppress the pain. Mr. Gore threatens to shoot him if he doesn’t come out, but Demby refuses to come out resulting in his death. Douglass said, ‘His mangled body sank out of sight, and blood and brains marked the water where he had stood’. Another example is when Douglass describes his overseer Mr. Severe. ‘Mr. Severe was rightly named: he was a cruel man’. Douglass says that he’s seen him whip a woman ‘causing the blood the run half an hour at the time’ in front of her children. ‘He seemed to take pleasure inShow MoreRelated Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Essay1671 Words  | 7 Pagesbook, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. L. Maria Child, a prominent white abolitionist, agreed to edit Jacobs book, although she apparently did little to alter the text except to rearrange some sections, suggest the removal of one chapter, and add material to another. In a letter to a friend, Child wrote, I abridged, and struck out superfluous words sometimes; but I dont think I altered fifty words in the whole volume. The subject matter of the book -- sexual abuse of slave womenRead MoreIncidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Essay1624 Words  | 7 PagesIn Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Harriet Jacobs writes, Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women (64). Jacobs work shows the evils of slavery as being worse in a womans case by the gender. Jacobs elucidates the disparity between societal dictates of what the proper roles were for Nineteenth century women and the manner that slavery prevented a woman from fulfilling these roles. The book illustrates the double standard of for white women versus black womenRead More Incidents In the Life of a Slave Girl Essay1783 Words  | 8 PagesIncidents In the Life of a Slave Girl No one in today’s society can even come close to the heartache, torment, anguish, and complete misery suffered by women in slavery. Many women endured this agony their entire lives, there only joy being there children and families, who were torn away from them and sold, never to be seen or heard from again. Thesis In the book, Incidents in the Life of Slave Girl, Linda Brent tells a spectacular story of her twenty years spent in slavery with herRead MoreIncidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Essay1614 Words  | 7 PagesIn Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Harriet Jacobs writes, Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women (64). Jacobs work shows the evils of slavery as being worse in a womans case by the gender. Jacobs elucidates the disparity between societal dictates of what the proper roles were for Nineteenth century women and the manner that slavery prevented a woman from fulfilling these roles. The book illustrates the double standard of for white women versus black womenRead MoreIncidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Essay1604 Words  | 7 Pages The slave narratives Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jones are similar but different in many ways. The narratives tell from the perspective of a man and woman the struggles of slavery and their journey to freedom. Their slave narratives help us to better comprehend the trials and tribulations that happened during slavery. The main difference between Douglass’s and Jacobs’ narratives is their gender. Their genderRead MoreIncidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Essay1886 Words  | 8 Pagesthese subjects and more appear to be the focal proposition of Harriet Jacobs novel Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Based around the individual battles of a slave s individual mission for flexibility, this novel additionally points of interest the episodes and lives of those whom she comes into contact with. The arrangement of occasions that happen throughout the primary character, Linda s, l ife as a slave characterize for herself and her group of onlookers what subjugation implies, as wellRead MoreEssay on Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl841 Words  | 4 Pages Incidents in the Life Of A Slave Girl CHAPTER I nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The conditions of this master-slave relationship are that the slave (Linda) is there to do work for her mistress, or master, which is now her sister s daughter. Linda is supposed to take care her new owners five year old daughter, help plant things, take care of any animals and anything else she is told. As a slave, she should also do everything else she is told by her master. â€Å"After a brief period of suspenseRead MoreIncidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Essay1552 Words  | 7 PagesSlavery and Christianity in the Life of Black Girl Cristal Ramirez John Jay College African Literature 223 Dr. Endsley September 27, 2017 Harriet Jacobs, in her book â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†, narrates the real life and experiences lived by a black girl who born as a slave. In this book, Jacobs shows slavery as something that violates all the rights and principles from the blacks. The way this book is written makes the story more believableRead MoreIncidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Essay1701 Words  | 7 Pagessacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither,†a report that suggests many Americans saw slavery as an abominable practice (Jefferson). This was not the case. Thomas Jefferson himself owned slaves, but like many slaveholders in early America, he knew slavery was wrong. In order to justify the horrible treatment of slaves, slaveholdersRead MoreIncidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Essay1936 Words  | 8 P ages Harriet Jacobs Racial and Gender Oppression Harriet Jacobs wrote, â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†using the pseudonym Linda Brent, and is among the most well-read female slave narratives in American history. Jacobs faces challenges as both a slave and as a mother. She was exposed to discrimination in numerous fronts including race, gender, and intelligence. Jacobs also appeals to the audience about the sexual harassment and abuse she
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Related Text Analysis Free Essays
1 – Into the Wild shows a man who journey’s through the country in order to find peace and belonging. Christopher McCandless or ‘Alexander Supertramp’ was a man who wished not to conform to the way society was governed, he did no want to be sucked into the depths of technology which has consumed the minds of many people. He only wished to live simply as one would have one thousand years ago. We will write a custom essay sample on Related Text Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Into the wild strongly relates to the concept of belonging in many ways. In May 1990 McCandless graduates from Emory University with high honors. Instead of doing joining the workforce and being ruled by a world filled with laws he chooses to leave the world he has always know and been affiliated to start a new adventure. He does not tell anybody of his departure, as he wants to take this journey alone. Chris finds happiness and belonging when he reaches the Alaskan wilderness, it consists of no civilization or even signs of civilization apart from the abandon bus that he finds refuge in. The film shows that although McCandless is greeted by society with open arms, a life that would have been very tempting, he chooses not to conform to the way everyone else lives. Rubric: A sense of belonging can emerge from the connections made with people, places, groups, communities and the larger world. On McCandless’s journey he comes into to contact with many different types of people and communities, from hippies to his fellow worker at a fast food restaurant. He finds many different characters, who have all found their place to belong in society, they have merged to form groups, all with their own ethics and beliefs. Many of these places suit Chris’s lifestyle but he still chooses to venture alone, as he is still unable to find the place where he really feels at home. He meets new people all the time who give him valuable knowledge on life. One occasion in particular is when McCandless encounters Ron Franz, a retired man who served in the United States army. McCandless lives with Ron for a while and Ron teaches him the craft of leatherwork. The pair are different in many ways but somehow formed a very strong bond between each other to the point where Ron offers to adopt him as a grandchild. This shows that a strong sense of belonging emerged through the relationship formed by McCandless and Ron. Another idea about belonging is that even people that are strongly connected to each other often have very different perspectives on belonging. This is seen through McCandless and his father. McCandless doesn’t feel that he belongs when is father makes the decisions for him and tells him what to wear and drive, this creates fear of being judged, he also doesn’t like developing new relationships with people, he does however over come these when he lives out in the wild, meeting new people along the way. – Sean Penn uses many film techniques and language features to help create ideas about belonging. Penn makes it clear that McCandless does not feel that he belongs in the city when he first arrives. It is shown to be a congested, loud and unnatural place. In the first minute after he hops off the train he finds himself having to crawl on his hands and knees under train carriages and drainage pipes. He later decides to walk down the streets late at night, You are ab le to hear sirens blaring, the streets are also very dirty with rubbish everywhere. Penn used these scenes as a way of representing cities as being dirty and congested, with no room for freedom. This is compared to the Alaskan wilderness that McCandless finally discovers. These scenes are done with many extreme long shots of the nature that surrounds McCandless. One significant example of these is when he stands up on the abandon bus that he had just discovered and yell ‘is there anybody out here? †as loud as he can. This emphasizes the fact that he has found a place where he can live with peace and freedom, he had found a place to belong. Another technique used in this film is the narration of Chris’s sister. Through out the movie we are shown how Chris feels and how he changes, but with the narration from his sister it shows us how everyone else is feeling. It shows us what effects of Chris leaving has had on the family. The final technique, probably the most important one, is the use of flashbacks. Penn begins the film with McCandless finally reaching Alaska after his journey across the country comes to and end. The idea that somebodies perspective on belonging can be shaped through new relationships and events is shown though this technique. Every flashback shows McCandless either coming across new characters, new places or experiencing new things. These all shape McCandless’s perspective on belonging. An example of this is when McCandless is talking to Ron after they had just walked up the steep, rocky hill. Ron tell Chris that he will miss him when he has gone, but Chris just replies saying that â€Å"you are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from the joy of human relationships. Ron then gives Chris very wise words stating, â€Å"When you forgive, you love. And when you love, God’s light shines through you. †McCandless has many other encounters with people who also teach him valuable lessons in life, and by the end of the film, McCandless is left realising that ‘happiness is only real when shared’ rather than thinking that the on ly way to be happy was to be isolated and alienated from the materialistic society. 3 – Many new ideas about belonging have aroused from ‘Into the Wild’. It is often very hard to find a place to belong, as is the case with McCandless, he meets many different groups and communities but can never find a place where he feels he actually belongs. Belonging isn’t necessarily being apart of a community that shares similar beliefs and ethics, someone may actually find that they belong when they are by themselves or/and indulged in the serenity of nature. Society is built up of laws and rules, meaning the only way to belong are to conform and respect those rules even if you do not entirely think they are right. McCandless finally has enough of obeying the rules that are set out to keep everyone in line. Another key point that is brought through ‘Into the wild’ is that peoples perspective of belonging can change due to certain events, when McCandless first decides to leave his old life behind him he had no intentions of forming friendships with other people, all he wanted to do was get away from society. Over time he began to change his view on society and realized that being alone and isolated isn’t actually what he wanted. But that ‘happiness is only real when shared’, so this is basically saying that he finally understood that he didn’t want to be locked away from the world and that he was only really happy when he helped make his friends happy. 4 – ‘Into the Wild’ can relate to The Crucible through the ideas established about belonging. Chris McCandless can be looked at along side John Proctor in the way that they both choose not to conform to society and both their lives are cut shot due to this. McCandless does not wish to live as everyone else does, he does not want to be a clone to society, all he wants if freedom to do what he wants but his life comes to an early end due to this because he preferred to live in the Alaskan wild instead of living in a stable environment at the comfort of his own bed. Proctor was also a wise, ethical man yet he did not completely agree with the way things were being run in Salem. He could have very easily taken the easy way out and conform to the Ministry’s orders to save his life but he instead chooses to do what he knows is right. Another way that these two texts relate is through the idea that ones perspective one belonging can be created and/or changed due to certain events. Chris begins his journey believing the only way he can belong and be happy is to be secluded from the world around him, living disconnected from people in the wild life. But after his many encounter with people he slowly beginning to realise that he can only be happy when helping to create happiness for others. This is similar to Hale in ‘The Crucible’. The story begins with him who believes that the church is always ethical and correct. The church is like his home to him, it is where he belongs. As the story progresses he begins to realise that watch is happening is wrong and yet due to the power of the ministry he has no way to prevent the events that unfold. This drastically changes his perspective on the church and the faith he has believed in for so long, he realises that maybe after all, the church is not where he belongs. Nick Slaven How to cite Related Text Analysis, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
DHL internship report free essay sample
The main aim of this report is to analyze competitiveness of DHL GMBH by using different assessment tools and techniques. However, to demonstrate its environment, product and service natures, structural units and their functions. In the meantime, to identify the level of organization efficiency, economical results and tendencies in change. The research has been conducted in order to exhibit: systems and network planning structures which are applied within the organization, to define internal and external factors that affects organization operational efficiency, to evaluate the ways and principles of DHL labour, physical, financial and digital resources planning and their organization methods. It is also has been aimed to represent organization‘s monitoring and controlling schemes of separate processes and projects with regard to company‘s targets, its customers and employees. In the report, it is structurally presented different insights, indicators, tendencies and results about enterprise effectiveness and administration. Moreover, understanding of the strategies impelented, goals that are established in the short or long tems, different perspectives of growth and maintenance, separate resources arrangement and management of overall functions of DHL are clearly provided. 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORGANISATION DHL is present in over 220 countries and territories across the globe, making it the most international company in the world. With a workforce exceeding 285,000 employees, we provide solutions for an almost infinite number of logistics needs. DHL is part of the worlds leading postal and logistics Group, Deutsche Post DHL and encompasses four divisions: DHL Express, DHL Global Forwarding, Freight and DHL Supply Chain. DHL‘s mission and vision In 2009, company laid out goals for the future Strategy 2015, including vision and mission for the company. Its vision emphasizes that organization wants to be The Logistics Company for the World. This goes beyond the simple fact that, as a global company, DHL present in over 220 countries and territories, or that DHL are often the very first logistics company to enter new markets. It also extends beyond unique ability to offer a wide range of logistics solutions, encompassing everything from international express deliveries, to warehousing, to customs brokerage, to freight forwarding – to mention just a few areas in which company are active. DHL‘s vision stresses that it wants to be the logistics provider people turn to – their first choice not only for all their shipping needs, but also as an employee or investor. This is further underlined in DHL‘s mission statement, which has four main elements: 1) We want to simplify the lives of our customers 2) We make our customers, employees and investors more successful 3) We make a positive contribution to the world 4) We always demonstrate respect when achieving our results „We are successful when you areâ€Å" Company strongly believes that pursuing all of these goals is in its interest and in the interest of all of their stakeholders: customers, employees, investors and the planet as a whole. However, organization add value to people’s interaction with themselves, whether with excellent services or products, by engaging its employees and nurturing their talents, or by being a solid, long-term investment on the stock market. And, the company shows concern for its world and its communities with its various corporate responsibility programs under the motto of ‘Living responsibility. ’ A company with a purpose DHL are deeply proud of the contribution it makes in daily work. Everything that is moved from one place to another needs the aid of logistics – but behind this simple truth one finds millions of stories. As the logistics company for the world, it forms the backbone of trade, ensuring that whatever needs to be delivered, gets delivered. A shipment placed in organization‘s trust may include life-saving medicines, or a birthday present from a friend, or hold a company’s entire existence in the form of a prototype. It is not only deliver parcels and packages, and make sure containers arrive at ports: it delivers prosperity, it transports health, it powers growth, it delivers joy. Every day it connects people, improving their lives. DHL Express‘s organization overview and main economic figures Express deliveries worldwide; freight forwarding with planes, trucks, ships and trains; warehousing services that go beyond just storage, but include everything from packaging to repairs; international mail deliveries; customized and specialized shipping. DHL Express transports urgent documents and goods reliably and on time from door-to-door in more than 220 countries and territories, and operates the most comprehensive global express network. With a fleet of more than 250 aircraft, DHL Express is also one of the largest air carriers worldwide. Facts and figures: DHL Express Worldwide (2012) Head Office Bonn, Germany Revenue Approx. 12. 8 billion euros Network More than 220 countries and territories served/more than 500 airports served globally Employees Approx. 100,000 Customers Approx. 2. 6 million Aircraft More than 250 dedicated aircraft 1. 1 Organization history and economic development results DHL Express is a division of the German logistics company Deutsche Post DHL providing international express mail services. Deutsche Post is the worlds largest logistics company operating around the world. DHL is a world market leader in sea and air mail. Originally founded in 1969 to deliver documents between San Francisco and Honolulu, the company expanded its service throughout the world by the late 1970s. The company was primarily interested in offshore and inter-continental deliveries, but the success of FedEx prompted their own intra-U. S. expansion starting in 1983. DHL aggressively expanded to countries that could not be served by any other delivery service, including the Soviet Union, Eastern Bloc, Iraq, Iran, China, Vietnam and North Korea. In 1998, Deutsche Post began to acquire shares in DHL. It finally reached majority ownership in 2001, and completed the purchase in 2002. Deutsche Post then effectively absorbed DHL into its Express division, while expanding the use of the DHL brand to other Deutsche Post divisions, business units and subsidiaries. Today, DHL Express shares its well-known DHL brand with other Deutsche Post business units, such as DHL Global Forwarding and DHL Supply Chain. The company started expanding their service through the early 1970s, first to the Philippines, then Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia. For lower-volume routes the company hired couriers on a one-off basis, trading airline tickets for the delivery. This simple expedient repeatedly saved the company many legal hassles in the future, when would-be investigators took them up on the open offer and make a delivery while taking their family on vacation. The first was when the FBI was tipped off about the groups of briefcase-carrying young men making repeated trips to Hawaii, and when they investigated and found nothing amiss, several agents became regular couriers for the company. 1. 2 Nature and types of products (services) and their tendency in change DHL has 5 main divisions: DHL Express, DHL Global Forwarding, DHL Freight, DHL Global Mail, DHL Supply Chain. However, products and services of the company are arranged between these divisions. DHL Express: The Express division transports courier, express and parcel shipments internationally, combining air and ground transport, under the DHL brand. It is divided into business units along regions: Europe, Asia Pacific, Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. DHL offers worldwide services, including deliveries to countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Burma. As it is German-owned, DHL is not affected by U. S. embargoes or sanctions and will ship to Cuba and North Korea. However there are strict codes for delivering to North Korea, as the country has shaky relations with the West. The only country currently not being serviced by DHL is Turkmenistan. As DHL is not a US company, it is not allowed to make domestic flights between U. S. airports. DHL contracts these services to other providers. DHL Global Forwarding: Formerly known as DHL Danzas Air Ocean, is a division of Deutsche Post DHL providing air and ocean freight forwarding services. It also plans and undertakes major logistics projects under the brand name DHL Industrial Projects. Together with DHL Freight, it forms Deutsche Posts Freight/Forwarding department. The Forwarding division carries goods by rail, road, air and sea under the DHL brand. DHL Global Forwarding handles global air and ocean freight. DHL Freight: DHL Freight is a division of Deutsche Post DHL providing road and rail freight services across Europe, parts of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), North Africa and the Middle East. Together with DHL Global Forwarding (formerly DHL Danzas), it forms Deutsche Posts Freight/Forwarding business division. It runs a groundbased freight network covering Europe, Russia and traffic into the Middle East. DHL Global Mail: The Mail division delivers approximately 70 million letters in Germany, six days a week and provides mail services including production facilities at central hubs, sales offices and production centers on four continents, as well as direct connections to more than 200 countries. The Mail division inherits most of the traditional mail services formerly offered by the state-owned monopoly, for which it uses the Deutsche Post brand. Its exclusive right to deliver letters under 50 grams in Germany expired on 1 January 2008, following the implementation of European legislation. A number of companies are vying to challenge Deutsche Posts near monopolistic hold on letter deliveries, including Luxembourg-based PIN Group and Dutch-owned TNT Post. As of January 2008, the Mail division is subdivided into the following business units: †¢Mail Communication handles domestic mail service as well as international mail from Germany †¢Press Services handles domestic distribution of print products (newspapers and magazines). †¢Retail Outlets operates domestic retail outlets (post offices), which offer a complete array of letter mail, and parcel. †¢Dialogue Marketing provides services for direct marketing such as market research and address verification. †¢Parcel Germany handles the domestic, non-express parcel service, including the Pack station network. It was changed over to the DHL umbrella brand when it was temporarily assigned to the Express division. †¢Global Mail handles international mail and domestic mail in other countries under the DHL umbrella brand. Deutsche Post offers a service called a Garagenvertrag (literally garage agreement in English) to its German customers. The postman can leave packets and parcels in a specified place (such as the garage, or a neighbors house) if the addressee is not at home to receive them. This on the one hand saves the recipient a trip to the post office to pick up their mail. On the other hand, any item left at the specified place is regarded as â€Å"delivered†and hence not covered by Deutsche Posts insurance anymore. DHL Supply Chain: is a division of Deutsche Post DHL. The SUPPLY CHAIN division comprises two business units – Supply Chain and Williams Lea. In the Supply Chain business, DHL provides contract logistics solutions along the entire supply chain for customers from a wide variety of sectors. Williams Lea is a global provider of business process outsourcing and a specialist in corporate information solutions, the management of companies’ information and communication processes. In Canadian and USA markets DHL Supply Chain operates under the name Exel. DHL Supply Chain has around 130,000 employees and is headquartered in Bonn, Germany. Deutsche Post DHL is the world’s leading mail and logistics services group. The Deutsche Post and DHL corporate brands represent a one-of-a-kind portfolio of logistics (DHL) and communications (Deutsche Post) services. The Group provides its customers with both standardized products as well as solutions ranging from dialogue marketing to industrial supply chains. Deutsche Post DHL has about 470,000 employees in more than 220 countries and territories. The Supply Chain/Corporate Information Solutions provides contract logistics and corporate information solutions tailor-made for customers. It consists of two main business units: †¢DHL Supply Chain provides warehousing and warehouse transport services as well as value-added services for customers. †¢Corporate Information Solutions handles documents (collection, digitalisation, printing, storage, archival) of all types. 1. 3. Structural departments of the organisation, their types and functions Four operating divisions The Group is organised into four operating divisions, each of which is under the control of its own divisional headquarters and is subdivided into business units for reporting purposes. The company are the only provider of universal postal services in Germany. In its MAIL division, company delivers domestic and international mail and parcels and specializing in dialogue marketing, nationwide press distribution services and all the electronic services associated with mail delivery. Furthermore, with its E-Postbrief product, company are the first in the market to offer secure, user-identified written communication on the internet. EXPRESS division offers courier and express services to business customers and consumers in more than 220 countries and territories, the most comprehensive network in the world. GLOBAL FORWARDING, FREIGHT division handles the carriage of goods by rail, road, air and sea. Comany are the world’s number one air freight operator, number two ocean freight operator and one of the leading overland freight forwarders in Europe. SUPPLY CHAIN division is the global market leader in contract logistics, providing warehousing, managed transport and value-added services at every link in the supply chain for customers in a variety of industries. It also offers solutions for corporate information and communications management tailored precisely to the needs of our customers. The company consolidate the internal services that support the entire Group, including Finance, IT and Procurement, in our Global Business Services. This allows to make even more efficient use of organization resources whilst reacting flexibly to the rapidly changing demands of its business and its customers. Group management functions are centralised in the Corporate Center. Organisational structure of Deutsche Post DHL CORPORATE CENTER (CEO’S BOARD DEPARTMENT, FINANCE AND PERSONNEL) MAIL EXPRESS GLOBAL FORWARDING, FREIGHT SUPPLY CHAIN Mail Communication Dialogue Marketing Press Services Value-Added Services Parcel Germany Retail Outlets Global Mail Pension Service Europe Americas Asia Pacific EEMEA (Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa) Global Forwarding Freight Supply Chain Williams Lea 1. 4 Organization of the technical level of investment in innovation and economic efficiency Solutions Innovation (SI) Logistics of Tomorrow. The department of Solutions Innovation is part of the DHL Customer Solutions Innovation organization. Emphasis placed on the development and marketing of industry tailored solutions designed to simplify the lives of DHL customers. Solutions Innovation performs research on tomorrow’s logistics solutions and works with the various DHL units to develop solutions from start to finish from the initial concept to market readiness. Focusing on innovation projects and demonstrating DHL’s innovation capability while driving innovation excellence across the company are key tasks of SI. The Innovation projects are either Product Development based, with the aim of delivering new short-term solutions and services to the current needs of customers, or Research Development (RD) based. RD projects focus on emerging trends within the industry, to develop advanced solutions to pre-emptively tackle future challenges. Additionally company concentrates on Thought Leadership topics here as it has a big interest in the world. Based at the Innovation Campus in Troisdorf, the innovation team incorporates new technologies for future projects and combines existing approaches and solutions to utilize them more effectively in the marketplace. Solutions Innovation aims to harness the potential of Innovation at DHL and offer cross-divisional, integrated solutions to customers worldwide. Discovering Trends for Tomorrows Logistics. Research Development is the central team of the Group for identifying future customer and sector challenges. Compared to Product Development it takes on a long term focus. With the help of applied research, it designs prototypes, pilots and protects the next generation of products and solutions. By that the base for sustainable product development is built and DHL’s thought leader status in logistics is protected. For DHL, thought leadership is an essential component of being prepared for the future. By understanding and evaluating trends and early indicators it helps to develop innovative projects that have a real impact on our growth and competitiveness. To secure this position Corporate Patent Management is another part of the team dealing with all patent applications for DPDHL worldwide. On the pages below you can find out more about the Research Development projects currently being undertaken by Solutions Innovation. Tailor-made Solutions for our Customers. The main aim of company Product Development projects is to create solutions which can be deployed within business units across multiple sectors. Here, innovations arise from the direct needs of customers and are led by a team of experts from SI through the entire process, from the initial idea right up to the final product launch in a maximum of 2 years. By that Solutions Innovation not only generates value-added services for customers but also makes sure that daily business is kept up to date with the logistics industry. Find out how use RFID technology to track the goods of customers along the entire supply chain. See how the SmartTruck uses the latest navigation systems to enable automated route planning for its couriers. Discover the SmartSensor that allows to check on the condition of goods anytime, anywhere. DHL Thought Leader in Logistics. Innovation Excellence is an important part of Solutions Innovation that fosters the Innovation Capability of DHL. Three steps are necessary to reach this objective. The first one is to raise the awareness for the topic of innovation. Not just for the group but also for the logistics industry and customers. This is why we host the DHL Innovation Day, an event to increase the understanding of its customers for the challenges of the future in all kinds of fields, but for logistics in particular. Company also make logistics tangible with its Showroom. There organization present the ideas, concepts and projects of DHL and Solutions Innovation to sensitize visitors for the topic. The next step is to develop new value for the group and customers. This happens in tailored Innovation Workshops, in which best practice of innovation methods is used to understand the needs of customers and to react to them in a sufficient way. The last step is to implement or adjust the services that are created by the Innovation Workshops into daily business. This process is accompanied by the organization all along the way. 2. ACTIVITY ANALYSIS OF THE ORGANISATION AND THE INCREASE OF ITS COMPETITIVENESS 2. 1 The planning system applied in the organisation (Systematic logistics links) Logistics networks determine the geographic and logical distribution and networking of transportation, transshipment and warehousing processes as well as the related information processes. Companies choose the network structure that optimally suits their needs in terms of effectiveness and costs. In the process, they also make fundamental decisions that have a large number of secondary and operational effects. Basic structures of logistics systems Basic structures of logistics networks The logistics chain between procurement and the sales market can be illustrated graphically as a network. The transport, handling and warehousing processes related to the movement and storage of goods and the associated information processes are implemented through this network. The chart above illustrates the basic structures of such logistics systems. The logistics network strategy helps shape the basic structure of the logistics system and the related logistics capacity for the logistics processes. One-stage system In a one-stage system, the movement and storage involve a direct flow of goods between the supply point, or source, and the receiving point, or destination. In this system, the goods are made available at the supplier site and used at the receiving point. The strength of the one-stage system is that the flow of goods is not interrupted. No other warehousing and transport processes are required to send the goods in another direction. Multi-stage system In a multi-stage system, the movement and storage involve an indirect flow of goods between the supply and receiving points. The flow of goods is interrupted at one or more stages. Here, additional storage or transport processes are performed. The objective of this work is to separate or consolidate the flow of goods. Breakbulk point: Large quantities of goods from the supply point arrive at the â€Å"breakbulk point,†and small quantities of them leave it bound for various receiving points. Consolidation point: The interruption point in a multi-stage system can be a â€Å"consolidation point,†where the goods are consolidated, collect or sorted. Combined system: In combined systems, direct and indirect flows of goods can co-exist. 2. 2 Organization of external relations and their impact on the operational efficiency The corporate and economic environment has changed considerably in recent years. Many factors have had an impact on DHL‘s mail and logistics business. As part of our Strategy 2015, company systematically and continuously review the key factors affecting its business. Company continues to believe that its business is substantially impacted by four long-term trends: 1) Globalisation. Growth in the logistics industry will continue to outpace the growth of national economies in the future. Trade flows and volume to and from Asia as well as within Asia are seeing further sharp increases, as are those in other emerging regions, such as South America and the Middle East. DHL divisions are in a better position than most in these regions as well as in Europe and North America. Hardly any other company in the industry offers integrated logistics solutions for all means of transport and in all parts of the world as we do. 2) Outsourcing. In times of economic difficulty, companies feel increased pressure to reduce costs and streamline business processes. Activities that are not considered part of the core business are being outsourced to a greater extent. In addition, supply chains are becoming more complex and are being placed increasingly on an international footing. This makes them more susceptible to potential disturbances as this past year has again demonstrated. Accordingly, customers are demanding integrated solutions that provide a comprehensive range of services and modes of transport and which protect their supply chains. Copmany benefits from this trend due to its leading positions in the express, freight forwarding and contract logistics markets. 3) Digitalisation. The internet continues to fundamentally change the way in which information is exchanged. Physical communication channels are being replaced increasingly by electronic communication, which is leading to a decline in volumes and revenues in the traditional mail business in particular. On the other hand, the internet brings dealers and customers closer together and creates new demand for the transport of goods, advertising materials and contract documents. Demand for secure, confidential and reliable electronic communication is growing on the virtual market. Company have responded by launching the E-Postbrief product. Furthermore, it is expect to be able to take advantage of increasing digitalisation in other businesses. 4) Climate change. The past year again demonstrated that the heightened awareness of the environment and climate considerably impacts the logistics industry. In all of organization divisions, an ever-increasing number of customers are asking for climate-neutral products. As the world’s leading logistics company, it goes without saying that we shall play part in reducing carbon emissions. Company offers to its customers an extensive range of energy-saving transport options and climate-neutral products and have set an ambitious climate protection goal. 2. 3. PLANNING OF SEPARATE RESOURCES AND ORGANISATION OF THE ACTIVITY. 2. 3. 1. Planning of sales and manufacture (services) and its arrangement. DHL Express has very active sales and marketing organization that help to present DHLs brand and build image of quality. It also works on expanding companys presence into emerging markets. Asset of a company lays in well-established and well-managed brand especially in the service sector. Good brand also gives a competitive advantage in the labor market. It is important to show the company as an attractive employer to get highly skilled and committed employees. DHL uses modern tools for marketing. As an example can serve an online career portal used as a recruiting tool. DHL also reworked its corporate design and every service employee wears uniform clothing. Employees are educated about their company through Brand manuals. There is multi-lingual internet platform for DHL employees to get consistent information and be aware of the brand image. Customer retention, customer loyalty and brand recognition are amongst the benchmarks that DHL values to reach success. These innovative programs that DHL is running are expensive for the company. They know that the benefit will not come in short-term. Brand awareness and trust cannot be gained in short-time. However, if it is gained it could have long-lasting. Customer support and customer service is very important in logistics industry because one of the most important factors is customer satisfaction. Therefore, DHL Express regularly holds customer satisfaction surveys because they help to identify problem of substitute products, help to answer what substitute products customers consider, make better position in the market and among customers, uncover customers perceptions, improve customer loyalty and make product improvements. DHL Express knows that loyalty of the customers increase with satisfaction and if customer gets better value or benefit for the same price it could mean lower profit for the company but it is worth it in long-run. Research Development and Marketing Sales organizations have their significant role in After sales. 2. 3. 2. The main resources used, their planning and stocking Efficient management of information and goods Enterprise resource planning ERP is a description of systems that employ innovative information technology to manage all sorts of areas in companies. Major corporations, in particular, could hardly function without tailor-made ERP software. One component of ERP can be a warehouse management system (WMS). With its assistance, precise warehouse management can be conducted even in the most complex storage and distribution systems. As a result, inventory monitoring can be improved and the entire supply chain can be designed more efficiently. Physical goods movement and information flow in the ERP system The characteristics and application areas of ERP systems One elementary factor in optimizing a company’s important core business processes is the fast and precise retrieval, integration and collection of information. Enterprise resource planning ERP is a system that uses modern information technology to manage the functions of various company divisions and to create transparency in the process. Through the use of ERP and, as a result, a single data model for all company-relevant information significant amounts of internal integration can be achieved. This is an important benefit especially for international companies. But small and mid-sized companies can profit from tailor-made ERP solutions as well. For the entire supply chain Supply chain, an ERP system with a shared data model is a desirable solution but the implementation of it is extremely complex. The trend toward outsourcing Outsourcing is also raising the system’s cost because the number of companies in the supply chain continues to expand. Advanced planning systems Advanced planning system (APS) represent an extension of the ERP in terms of relationships with other companies. These systems represent complex logistics structures and processes in a supply chain Supply chain , and facilitate fast responses and optimal inventories and capacities. For this purpose, APS uses data managed by ERP systems. In the automotive industry, for instance, the supply chain can be mapped all the way to the pre-suppliers of a system supplier. As a result, critical paths can be recognized and supply squeezes prevented at an early point in time. Efficient storage administration through warehouse management systems Warehouse management systems (WMS) represent a further evolutionary step from the inventory management systems (IMS) used in the 1980s and early 1990s. The traditional IMS only enabled stored items and storage positions to be administered and conveying systems to be managed. But today’s WMS can do much more. Among other things, they permit numerous important indicators to be monitored and develop multifaceted strategies for optimizing the systems in use from these indicators. As a result, complex storage and distribution systems can be easily managed, monitored and optimized. A traditional IMS was generally used as a â€Å"black-box system†that was separated from the central company software. In contrast, the WMS began to be increasingly networked and integrated into the ERP Enterprise resource planning at the end of the 1990s. As modular software, the WMS offers a scalable functional range within the framework of the ERP: The core functions of a WMS support the basic processes in every company’s warehouse area: e. g. , receiving, storage, warehouse management, picking Picking , retrieval, shipping, inventory and forms management. The expanded functions of a WMS include batch/serial number management, management of empty bottles and returns. Additional modules offer connections to self-contained software packages like RFID Radio frequency identification software or pick-by-voice Pick-by-voice /pick-by-light Pick-by-light systems. One other important function is support that is provided to the management of linked storage facilities. As a result, the inventories of several warehouses can be balanced with one another or particularly high-quality items can be distributed only upon notification from centrally located warehouses. 2. 3. 3. Labour resources, their qualitative and quantitative need, applied types of payroll. A large part of how organization work revolves around the people who ultimately power its supply chain. Labour represents 30 percent of typical distribution costs in India. Whilst these labour costs may be proportionally less than more mature markets around the world, company still provide the same training and support to ensure they have the right skills and motivation to deliver world-class service and performance. A systematic approach: Flexible Resources In situations where company handles products, workforce is experienced and trained to respond to new challenges. It has the right mix of employees to cater to sectors such as Retail, Supply Parts Logistics, Health, Automotive, Technology and Consumer Goods. Organization‘s scale allows to bring qualified resources to the task just when clients need them most. Even its infrastructure is engineered to be more efficient many of its facilities are close to transportation hubs and share pre-trained resources for temporary or start-up needs. Motivated Teams Helping to its people work smarter pays dividends for everyone. Company is able to deliver more volume to its customers and reduce costs. Company
Friday, November 29, 2019
Use and misuse of technology free essay sample
The use of technology in higher education has become a very critical point in Schools, Universities, and many other learning institutions. Teachers, school educators however found it very helpful to increase the number of students attending colleges and provide a better way of learning. Mind you, students now can attend colleges no matter where in the world they are located. They can apply to colleges, register for classes and even attending the classes distantly. Despite all of those good things that are possible due to technology, some students fall deeply into using it in an abusive manner. They have become more and more dependent on technology to do their school works. In classroom, many students are armed with iPads, laptops, tablets and other electronic devices. Furthermore, studies have shown that many students interact more with these devices than with the books. Consequently, they get distracted and lose their focus in the class. We will write a custom essay sample on Use and misuse of technology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Yet teachers are in disagreement with this invasion which is technology in classroom, they are also working very hard to come up with other methods of teaching that will help these students to be more focus and lessen their attention on their daily routine which is using their toys while in class. While this war is on between digital native (young people who have grown up in immersive computing environment) digital immigrant (people who have yet to learn how to use a computer), thinkers are analyzing the issue and come with answers that will help proving that technology in higher education can be misused and at the same time useful in higher education. To expand the topic, the following lines will discuss the misuse of technology in higher education, its use; also give some recommendations that will help student be more successful in their education . First, technology is misused by some students are hacking into the school severs, using email to intimidate or threaten other students. They are downloading music and plagiarizing information from the internet and use them as their own. They are constantly checking the cellular phones during class time, accessing pornographic web sites, and playing video games during in class. This is an uncontrollable situation. While the use of technology is supposed to bring changes in the traditional way that teachers used to teach, student used to learn but still doesn’t prevent some students taking advantage of these changes and use them as they want. Second, Technology in higher education has also affected human’s interaction in classroom. Since technology has been introduced as an alternative for teaching back in 1900s, it has gradually take the place of the human teachers and now students mostly rely on computers, television and other electronic devices as another way to learn. They don’t spend time in focusing in class because they have the computer at home that will help them do their work. Although this technology brings certain benefits in the classroom, it also causes some students to be unexcited and lazy to learn at school. They believe that learning by themselves using the computer is a much better and faster. However, these students are wrong. Cynthia M. Frisby, associate professor of Strategic communication at the University of Missouri, has noticed students on MySpace and eBay during her lectures. She has also noticed more failing grades. The final straw, she says, came in an e-mail from a student complimenting my outfit, failing to realize that the time stamp was on the e-mail, further suggesting that he was not paying attention to my lecture. â€Å" Now she bans laptops in her large lecture courses and has a clause in her syllabus about the inappropriate use of technology. The result? Huge increases in attention and better performance on exams, she says. Students have even mentioned that they feel like they are doing better without the laptop. †This anecdote clearly shows that students are still young and curious but they need an ongoing motivation, guidance, and support to excel in education. While technology in higher education is being misuse by certain users, it is important that we mention some great features that technology allows us to do. In addition, due to technology our children are able to acquire a lot of skills. This is the first time in history that students have the ability to research any topic. They are not obligated to be in a classroom or in a library. Technology has unlocked the doors to an ocean-wide of information, which is not always accurate. Therefore, they need to learn and look carefully through it all and get the â€Å"good stuff. †This ocean-wide of information and current vault of technology has also allowed students to truly engage themselves in their education by developing personal educational plans or studying fields that may interest them. When students take full responsibility and engage themselves in their own learning in order to reach his or her own ultimate goal, everybody wins. For example, a chemistry teacher might want his or her students to do a project about Chemical Structures, Acid and Bases. Each student could choose a specific part of the topic that tickles their interest such as Acid indicators, structures of molecules etc. The assignment could then be diversified by allowing students to search for information from different websites –watch videos about acid and bases. They can then group together create a wiki for example which is website that allows its users to add, modify, or delete its content via a web browser usually using a simplified markup language or a rich-text editor. With this software, students can develop or design chemical figures to show how certain acids or bases are formed. Moreover, they have access to data bases of their school where they can also look for more resources that are related to their topics. Finally, they can create a podcast which is video editing software that allows them to put to put together their findings and share it as a full length video in class. The possibilities are innumerable all thanks to technology, teacher, and student sense of creativity! To quote Edutopia, an on-line publication, â€Å"Learning through projects while equipped with technology tools allows students to be intellectually challenged while providing them with a realistic snapshot of what the modern office looks like. Through projects, students acquire and refine their analysis and problem-solving skills as they work individually and in teams to find, process, and synthesize information they’ve found online. †Another interesting and very important feature of technology in education is the Distance education also known as the e-learning. It is a method of education where student can study in their own time, at their own place (home, work, and library) and without an actual face-to-face interaction with a teacher. In addition, it is more flexible in terms of time and geographical position of an individual learner. They can be anywhere in the world and still attend classes in their own time. Meanwhile, severe changes have occurred in classroom nowadays. Nearly 60% of survey respondents say that professors will soon teach in more than one category. At NYU’s top-ranked tax law program, for instance, classroom courses are videotaped with three cameras and an audio mixer. â€Å"The course goes online within 30 minutes,†says Mr. Delaney. â€Å"Within 24 hours, students interested in reviewing a certain case or topic can click an online index that charts the content of the entire class and [can] view the portion that interests them. †This has never happen before! Students have access to billion sources of information just by typing a topic whatsoever and click search. Due to technology that has been introduced to the education system, colleges have loosened a little bit and become more influencing on student’s passion to learn. For example, before technology, students were bound by classroom and library walls. They had no alternative. They had to go to libraries to read those heavy books in order to do their homework. Now thanks to technology, they have the choice whether they want to go to the libraries to do research or not. They have iPads, computers, and e-books which is also a tablet that can store millions of books. They only have to type the name of the book and it will pop up on their devices screen and they can just read through line get the information they wanted.
Monday, November 25, 2019
CORE DEMOCRATIC VALUES essays Core democratic values are the fundamental beliefs and constitutional principles of American society, which unite all Americans. These values are expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and other significant documents, speeches, and writings of the nation. These values do not always co-exist happily. Below is definition of some core democratic values and the reasons why they dont always co- exist happily: The government and citizens should not lie; the search for truth becomes an important aim of democracy. Democratic constitutional government is the only form of government in which every citizen has the obligation not only to tell the truth in personal matters but also to play a part in determining what the truth is in political affairs. Truth-telling sometimes conflicts with personal privacy, national security, the need for secrecy in war and with the freedoms of speech and the press itself. But the important principle in a democracy is that truth-telling serves good while lying does not. Citizens who do not insist upon the value of truth-telling of those who represent them and who do not try to distinguish the significant truth from misinformation told in news conferences, political campaigns, or other public statements put their freedom at risk. And a government that lies to its citizens as a matter of policy cannot expect to serve justice and equality, maintain its legal power, or even command the loyalty of its citizens. All people should be treated fairly in getting advantages and disadvantages of our country. No group or person should be favored. In a just democratic society, all people are entitled to participate equally in the necessary political liberties and to a fair share of the distribution of the social and economic benefits and burdens. Justice should not be seen as something one alone is permitted to, but as something to which all people are entitled. Distributive j...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Factors affecting learners behaviour in Gauteng Special School, SA Research Proposal
Factors affecting learners behaviour in Gauteng Special School, SA - Research Proposal Example Intellectual disability usually becomes evident during the developmental years’ (IHC Inc; Philosophy and Policy 1996: p 5). In the contemporary times, the concept of disability has moved beyond the constraints of the medical terminology and has embraced a socially relevant stance keeping their all round welfare as the main objective in all their policies and plans. Terzi (2004) believes that the social model is as a powerful and important reminder for people at large to face issues of inclusion vis-a-vis persons with disability, disadvantaged population as fundamental and moral issues. World Health Organization (2005) reports that people with disabilities are important contributors to society and that allocating resources to their rehabilitation would be an investment. Hence, measures that support their integration to mainstream society become highly pertinent issues within the develop agenda of nations. The inclusion of disabled students can be broadly described as efforts to increase the participation of children with disability in the school by expanding course curricula to incorporate their needs (Booth & Ainscow, 1998). Thus inclusion ensures that students with special needs are provided with opportunities to imbibe education and become capable of contributing t the society as a whole. The integration whereas is the inclusion of students with special need within the mainstream school without much changes within the school environment (Minto, 2007; Mittler, 2000). The special schools in South Africa have shown great determination to promote education amongst the children and adults with disability. There have been significant reforms in the education system with National Education Policy Act of 1996 and the South African Schools Act of 1996.... This discussion stresses that the behavioural problem of pupils with intellectual disabilities is important issue that needs to be looked from the wider perspective of social development. While the special schools are doing commendable work for people with disability, the increasingly worsening behaviour of the pupils with developmental disabilities has become a major concern. Thus, this research would focus on identifying the factors that affect learners’ behaviour in the special schools, especially in Gauteng, South Africa. This paper declares that the inclusion of disabled students can be broadly described as efforts to increase the participation of children with disability in the school by expanding course curricula to incorporate their needs. Thus inclusion ensures that students with special needs are provided with opportunities to imbibe education and become capable of contributing t the society as a whole. The integration whereas is the inclusion of students with special need within the mainstream school without much changes within the school environment. The special schools in South Africa have shown great determination to promote education amongst the children and adults with disability. Special schools were also established to include all those children whose disabilities may hinder them from benefiting from education that they are entitled to. The special schools in Gauteng have been distinct in catering to the myriad needs of children with disability
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
DADA movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
DADA movement - Essay Example Traditional art was considered to be creative because the works were created out of nothing but still were appealing to art enthusiasts. This paper advances the view that Dadaism is partly a precursor of today’s art. Looking at Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon, one sees the originality. Originality was the cornerstone of traditional art. Picasso’s work is a painting done from scratch. It is original and makes a lot of sense. These are aspects of art that were ignored purposefully by Dadaism. They were deviants and haters of norm and traditions. Use of found objects had never been a part of traditional art. It was traditionally not considered artful. Dadaism came and changed it. Michael Duchamp, a Dadaist champion, used found object to make a fountain. Traditional artists hold the view that taking found objects and just modifying them a little bit as Dadaism advocated was itself not artistic. There are instances where anti art can take the form of art, and there are other cases where it is a total deviation from art. Using silence a music, for instance, is nonsensical and irrational, but Dadaism appreciates it because it serves a purpose. In traditional art, people expect to get entertained, but Dadaism would deliberately go against entertainment. Where a person felt bored by a Dadaist art, Dadaism meant it to bore. Hugo Ball’s Karawane poem does not make any sense; that’s just what it was intended to be. The artistic sense of Dadaism and some associated works of art was that objects that were traditionally not considered as art were made to serve aesthetic purposes. There’s nothing that could be more artistic that making something out of nothing, or rather deriving art where none ever existed. This is basically what Dadaism was all about. Several movements that came after Dadaism, such as surrealism, were, to a great extent, inspired by the ideals of Dadaism. They have led to a lot of today’s creative art. Pop art, performance
Monday, November 18, 2019
Comrades 1917-1945 and Reds 1947-1953 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Comrades 1917-1945 and Reds 1947-1953 - Essay Example The anticommunist forces started fighting the newly formed government as they were against the ideologies adopted by leaders in the country (Johnson, 2003). Though the anti communist forces failed to overthrow the newly formed government from power, the fight ensued for a long time as the anticommunist forces received support from both west and the other part of the world. Following the death of the communist government leader, Vladimir Lenin in 1924, Joseph Staling quickly rose to power to occupy the vacant position left by Lenin. After immediately taking control of the new government, staling came up with an extensive operation which came to be known as â€Å"Great Purge.†This operation was to strengthen the rule of the new communist government in Russia (Agostino, 2011). It mainly targeted anti communist fighters who were against the rule of the newly formed government. The operation saw many people in Russia getting arrested, and others sent to prison. In late 1920s, the world faced greatest economic downturn as a result of the great depression. This incidence led to increased support for the Soviet Union from the west. It was the same time Stalin had begun implementation of the first of the Soviet Union five year economic development plan. Majority of leaders in United States opted to ignore the reports of the widespread damage that came as a result of the new government of Russia policy of collectivization (Wiener, 2012). This made United State president support a new deal that could lead to a series of sweeping reforms. In his attempt to appease Russia leaders, the United State president went ahead and publicly announced recognition of Soviet Union by American government. As European leaders went on to appease Hitler, Germany was busy preparing for war. This made Stalin sign a non aggression pact with Berlin with an aim of buying more
Saturday, November 16, 2019
What Makes A Person Famous At Work Psychology Essay
What Makes A Person Famous At Work Psychology Essay What makes a person famous at work? Fame or popularity at work is much desired. To understand the phenomena, it is important to understand about fame. A research concluded that a person who is well known and liked is considered as popular (Scott, 2007). In other words a popular person is one who is likeable and socially visible. Babel (2001) further established the factors like social visibility and likable are most important for popularity. An individual who is sought after and liked is considered popular. What constitutes as popularity? According to Kerlinger Lee (2000) three forces which make up popularity. Attraction, that includes the force which brings together the individuals. Repulsion diverts and drives apart individuals. Indifference, that causes uncertainty in the mind on an individual. So these three factors can make or break an employees image at work. Popularity is often considered an individual matter; however this is not entirely true. Popularity is also a group orie nted phenomena (Rubin, Bukowski, and Parker, 2006). This means that it is an individuals quality to be popular, but he or she has to be in some sort of group to be popular or to gain fame. So understanding popularity can be measured individually and also in group. According to one research, popularity has two dimensions i.e. acceptance or rejection (Bukowski, Hoza, and Michel Boivin 1993). Another research concludes that Popularitys label is given to a specific employee by his co workers based on their perception which they develop after working with that particular worker for some time period. Popularity and fame are difficult phenomenon to understand and comprehend. It is difficult to judge about an individuals fame and popularity. There are no set rules present to measure these two states. Productivity and Popularity A research concludes that some employees are more popular than others, so often they are treated in a different way than others (Scott, 2007). This research has examined popularity in context of organizational behavior. The next question is what makes a person popular or famous at work. The popularity of person is depends on their ability to perform on the job (Zelst, 2001). This research requested the co workers to nominate a person to work with. This researcher found that people who have better working skills are popular among the workforce. The results of the research showed that people who are satisfied with their job are found to be more popular and co workers are willing to work with them. This research was conducted on construction workers. The key conclusion of this research is that popularity at work can be achieved if an employee has good working skills and is satisfied at the job. Popularity can lead to celebrity status. Research shows that popularity and fame is something most people enjoy and crave for (Hogan, 2003). This research states about the lure of fame develops from childhood and sustains through Adulthood. Another research found similar results. It concluded that employees with greater productivity are generally more popular among co workers (Porter, and Ghiselli 2000). This research asked the respondents to choose five co worker, with whom they would have had liked to work in a group. All the groups were given some task. The result of this research showed that the groups having popular members showed more productivity. Hence, it can be concluded that popular members are those who are good and quick at what they do. Working speed is also an important aspect as far as co workers are concerned. Nobody wants to work for long hours. Long working hours cause fatigue and stress to all the people involved (Park, Kim, Chung, and Hisanaga, 2001). To avoid working long hour, employees swiftness of work is imperative. Hence, working speed of a person is important for their fellow workers. Popularity also depends on factor which can be personal or situational (Fleeson, 2004). Flessons research states that people tend to judge others based on behavior of a person during specific events. They create a perception according to the behavior of a person. It shows that behavioral aspects play a key role in making a person popular and gaining celebrity status. Lodahl and Porter (2001) conducted a research on airline workers. The research was based on the popularity of the team leaders. 55 groups were included in this research. The results showed that the groups which had popular leaders produced better results. These findings can be looked at in two ways. It can be said that the leaders are popular as they are good at what they do. Besides on the flip side it can be stated that popular leaders are able to motivate and make their sub ordinates perform better. According to one research, popularity is dependent on various factors. The research aimed to find out what makes a child popular at school. Early Family environment plays a role in developing a childs behavior. That behavior plays a role in the popularity of the child at school (Conti, Galeotti, Mueller, and Pudney, 2009). Another research intended to find out the reasons of people communicating with each other in office. It said that people who communicate in turn influence the behavi or of each other (Anderson and Martin 1995). Popularity at work and Job satisfaction Office popularity plays a role in job satisfaction. Zelst (2001) found that employees, who feel that they are high on interpersonal popularity, are able to perform better on job. This research also gave reasons of the claim. A person who is popular is likely to feel greater job satisfaction. Besides he or she considers the working environment to be worker friendly. Another positive and important factor for a popular employee is that the relationship with co workers is extremely pleasant. This includes the relationship with upper management. In essence it means that the communication channels with top management are open for that employee. The last finding of this research was that a popular employee feels that the company thinks for welfare of employees. So, clearly a popular employee benefits the company as he or she is more likely to stay loyal. A research states that an employee with a positive outlook is more likely to be popular among his co worker than an employee who has a neg ative outlook towards life. A positive employee is more likely to mingle around with his fellow staff and gain fame. Adverse effect of Popularity However, being popular has some drawbacks as well. One research finds show that people who are popular are more likely to face bullying at work. The reason stated is that as everybody likes them, so some people find a reason to hate or be jealous of them. This makes popular people vulnerable to bullying (Tariq, and Ali, 2011). This research shows that Fame and popularity can be a double edged sword sometimes. Appearance and Popularity A research concluded that good looks are a major advantage for people. People tend to make a positive impression and perception for co workers who are well maintained (Langlois, Kalakanis, Rubenstein, Larson, Hallam, and Smoot, 2000). The research concluded that such people are more likely to get positive response from their co workers. Being physically attractive would include dressing well. This was a general research. Other researches have questioned the relationship between popularity at work place and being attractive. Some early researches had shown that once a person is well aware of the mental abilities of somebody, physical attractiveness become secondary (Eagly, Ashmore, Makhijani, and Longo, 2001). However, later researches such as Hosoda, Romero, and Coats, (2003) have proved that the phenomena of physical attraction hold its affect irrespective of the abilities of a person. Celebrities have to do a lot of stuff to be able to maintain their image, especially in their dres sing. So to become an office celebrity, an employee should focus on dressing as well. Another research proved that perception is influenced by wearing good cloths. A research was conducted which measured the 10 qualities. This research was conducted on teachers. The test scaled the teachers on awareness, professionalism, integrity, dependability, intellect, trustworthiness, efficiency and hard work. These teachers were graded then by their principal on the above mentioned attributes. The results showed that those teachers who did professional dressing at work got the most positive results. The principal considered them as dependable, reliable and with high self esteem (Kenner, Underwood, McClune, and Stephen, 2001). This shows that dressing plays a significant role in developing a positive perception among co workers and top level management. So to become a celebrity at work, dressing sense is imperative. This point is important as the new generation doesnt consider professional clothing as important. The new generation has been brought up wearing t-shirts, and jeans (Dickerson, 2003). So, their reluctance is understandable. However many professionals still consider it unacceptable. A research concludes that many companies are worried about this trend in their employees. Often managers feel upset about their employees dressing and take it as a lack of respect towards the job (Oleck 2001). So, to gain popularity and acceptance of the top level management it is important to dress carefully. Some researchers have pointed to that fact causal dressing in offices has been slowly promoted by some market players (Lilly, 2003). However, on the flip side the perception among the decision makers hasnt changed much, as many researches show that top level management still believes in the value of formal dressing. Humor is another important aspect. People who use humor are more likeable and hence they gain popularity among the staff. Such people are able to get positive attention towards them (Scott, 2007). Another research found similar results. It found that supervisors who have a good sense of humor are preferred. The supervisors who use humor to deflate awkward situation are thought of as more worker friendly (Cooper, 2002). In another research, the same researcher explained more deeply about humor at work. Cooper explains that the humor should be non hurtful and the receiver should not feel hurt by the remark. Humor can have an adverse effect on staff, if it is not well placed (Cooper, 2002). So, the celebrity status can take a dent if an employee is making jokes at the expense of others. Everything has to be used in proper manner. Humor can only be done when the person is feeling happy about his job. In this positive attitude plays a role Some researchers believe that popularity is linked to their personal nature of a human being. An extravert is more likely to gain popularity. This is because they enjoy the attention. Rewards of being popular are not in their minds. They are just being themselves (Ashton, Lee, and Paunonen, 2002). People who tend to be helpful and not argue much have a greater chance to be popular at work. Such people are considered as understanding, warm and kind. Obviously with such perception they are highly likely to be more popular than others (Scott, 2007). As stated in the research co worker support is considered a factor which helps an employee in gaining popularity. Co worker support is considered as a critical and urgent help one can give to his fellow worker at the hour of need. Often that can make a big difference in image building, hence increasing the popularity. This is a factor which cannot be neglected. Another research state, that people who are high on self esteem are generally mor e popular at work place. Self esteem typically includes how one judges himself (Daniels Leaper, 2006). So one has to work on his or her, own self esteem to become a celebrity at work. Popularity and fame has a lot to do with confidence in other words. Ethical behaviour and popularity Ethics also play a role in popularity of a person. A persons reputation as being a fair individual can be considered as a big positive point (Jones Skarlicki, 2005). Providing equal and justified treatment to all subordinates is also considered ethical. Scholars consider that there are 4 dimensions to justice. All of these factors are related to employee popularity (Colquitt, 2001). So, if an employee is favorable to few or unethical, it is highly unlikely that employee would get fame in the office. Another interesting aspect is learning about measuring popularity. Some scholars explain that that popularity can be measured by a rating system (Bukowski, Hoza, Boivin, 1993). This research also puts friendship and popularity in different spectrums. Hence, friendship and popularity cannot be measured by the same template.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Special Education and Inclusion Essay -- essays papers
Special Education and Inclusion Many people seem to look past how learning-disabled students would feel to be placed in a mainstream classroom which includes students without disabilities rather than go to class in a segregated/special education classroom with only other students who also have learning disabilities. There are many researches constantly going on studying the effects of inclusion in classrooms to see if learning-disabled students achieve better in mainstream classes. Students with learning disabilities feel better about themselves when they are included in classes with their peers who don’t have learning disabilities. Some terms regarding inclusion education should be clarified so that a person who is not knowledgeable about special education will have a better understanding. Inclusion and mainstreaming in class rooms can be switched around to mean the same thing. Essentially, these terms mean the process of putting students with special learning needs into â€Å"regular†classes with non-disabled peers. Resource classes, which used in a typical educational setting for learning disabled students, are classes that are for special needs students only. Just like inclusion and mainstreaming, learning disabled and special needs can be used interchangeably. Students with disabilities have educational rights under a special law called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which mandates that students with disabilities have a free and appropriate education (Curry School of Education, n/d). The law requires that special needs students should also be placed in the least restrictive environment (LRE) suitable for their needs(Curry School of Education, n/d). The LRE for some students is often the g... ...ed/resource classrooms and express their opinions on this matter. L., Peter and John (1994). Learning Disabilities. Retrieved April 24, 2003, from http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu States different legal requirements such as the IDEA and LRE laws, and percentages of learning-disabled students in mainstream classrooms. Meyer, Luanna (2001, March). International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. Vol.48, Issue 1. Studied different disabilities and inclusion classes. Wolfe, P., & Hall, T. (2003, March) Teaching Exceptional Children Vol. 35, Issue 4. Suggestions to teachers/parents that provides appropriate education for all children. (2001, November 5). Educational Issues Series. Retrieved April 25, 2003, from http://www.weac.org Definitions and laws for inclusion in education are mentioned here along with different court cases.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Note-Taking Method
Any assignment that requires you to do research, will require you to take notes. The notetaking method you adopt is purely a personal decision. With the development of technology, there are more different methods used to take notes. In term of the media people applys, we can discuss three types of methods: handwriting, electronic note-taking, and copying materials. The handwriting method is a traditional way which takes much time and requires the audience listen to the speaker carefully. When writing the notes word by word on the spot, the audience may get much pressure and feel more tired, it demands them to focus on every words the speaker said, then pick up the points to write down. But th audience may learn more useful information at the same time, the efficiency is much higher. For example, the teacher is giving a lesson in the classroom, he lists some important points, and the students should listen to the teacher carefully, handwriting the notes. Electronic method is a new way coming to the note-taking world with the help of technology, including recording, taking photos, and so on. Pens, notebooks are coming to be replaced by voice recorders, camera, MP3, mobile phone and other electronic products. By this way, what the audience need to do is just recording in the beginning of the lecture, or take photos about some points in the blackboard and the Powerpoint. It reduces the burden of audience, and more convenient. However, it is difficult to require the audience to listen to the speaker carefully, they don't need to grasp any points, they can do other things at the same time, just remember taking their electronic goods. A company invites an expert to give a lecture to its employees, he talks about some important thesis. The employee may record this speech and take some photos, which is enough for most of them. Copying materials means the audience may do nothing in the lecture, but they copy the speaker's materials, or other audience's notes after the lecture. They may choose to just listen to the speaker carefully, or pay litter attention to the whole lecture. This way is gradually adopted by some audience, especially when the lecture is tedious in their mind. There is litter burden for the audience, but also less gains. Because they may lose some important points, and the opportunity to experience with the speaker. From what we have discussed above, we may get a result is: no pains, on gains. We can't deny the benefits brought by the technology, but we should learn to how to exploit them in right way. I prefer to handwrite notes, because I think it can motivate the audience to listen to the lecture carefully and learn how to pick up points.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Suicide Essay Example
Suicide Essay Example Suicide Essay Suicide Essay I would like to start this speech by asking what you think of suicide. Has it ever been an option to deal with your struggles in life? Have you ever thought about leaving this world because you don’t think it understands you? Have you ever imagined yourself cutting a vein, jumping off from a 20-storey building, overdosing yourself with drugs or simply just stop breathing? I mean, seriously, have you? According to the statistics conducted by the World Health Organization, one person commits suicide every 40 seconds counting to millions of suicide deaths at the end of the year. That is why, it is considered as one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Furthermore, suicide rates have increased to 40% from the last 50 years (. So, why do people commit suicide? Kurt Cobain said it was drugs. Vincent Van Gogh said it was the feeling of worthlessness. Virginia Woolf said it was mental illness. Marilyn Monroe said nothing. Nonetheless, most suicides are committed by highly-creative people. Does this mean passion in music, art and literature can drive people to their deaths? Absolutely not! There are different causes of suicides. According to Wikipedia, the common causes of suicides are obviously mental disorders, suffering, unrequited love, stress, guilt, self-sacrifice, catastrophic injuries, financial loss, loneliness, drugs, so on and so forth. However, there can be a lot of reasons behind a suicide attempt of a person. One of the sad truths is most of the time, their reasons are incomprehensible. Famous people who have committed suicide include Vincent Van Gogh, a mentally disturbed Dutch painter who shot himself in the chest; Kurt Cobain, lead vocalist of Nirvana who was believed to have died due to drug overdose; Virginia Woolf, a feminist writer who drowned herself in a river near their house; Sylvia Plath, a notable poet who gassed herself in a microwave oven while her children were sleeping on the other room. Some people take their lives for heroic causes. For example, Mahatma Gandhi protested against the war between the Hindus and Muslim by means of starving himself to death which was successfully stopped before he died. In Japan during World War II, soldiers kill themselves first rather than falling in the hands of the Nazis. Moreover, Japanese pilots also volunteered to sacrifice their lives by crashing their aircrafts to an enemy’s base. Indeed, people have different views about life. Some even denounce life and believe there is a much better world after it. We cannot always blame mental disorders as the cause of suicide rates. Highly creative people can be sane and appreciative of their life. No matter how troublesome life is, suicide is not always an option to solve problems. Escaping it would only produce more for the ones left behind. Suicide may have been one of the most famous resorts in escaping a problem or a life that is believed to be not worth living. However, environment can also affect a person who is tempted to it. If only we can all be sensitive to the people around us, sometimes a simple smile and good conversation can save someone’s life. Suicide. Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia. 21 October 2008 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
A Look At Puritanism Vs Deism Religion Essay Essays
A Look At Puritanism Vs Deism Religion Essay Essays A Look At Puritanism Vs Deism Religion Essay Paper A Look At Puritanism Vs Deism Religion Essay Paper In the 17th and 18th centuries, spiritual beliefs become the chief point of focal point in Europe and in the new universe. The first issues with faith trade with Catholicism and Protestantism ; British Catholics became wary of the way of Catholics motivations, so they decide to interrupt off into a new subdivision of Christianity: Protestantism. One of the new major subdivisions of Christianity is Puritanism which contains ties of Calvinism in its nucleus. Puritans make their ain regulations and make up ones mind to pattern Christianity the manner God intended: attempting to sublimate the Church. For Puritans, the Bible is the lone manner to pattern and its guidelines must be obeyed daily. Four cardinal beginnings track the lives and escapades of John Winthrop, Michael Wigglesworth, John Dane, and Mary Rowlandson. No other possible faith sprouted in people s heads until Boston bore a adult male named Benjamin Franklin in 1706 who challenges Puritanism wholly with his Deist beliefs. When Franklin turns nineteen, he publishes his religion to the universe in his Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain. These new ideas spread around the new universe and get down making a seed of uncertainty in people s caputs about their faith. In 1725, Benjamin Franklin promotes a new faith that is widely different from the traditional Puritan position based on his positions of God and the Universe. Section two of Ben Franklin s Dissertation discusses pleasance, hurting, and the absence of an hereafter. Section two explicitly provinces pain and pleasure balance each other out throughout life finally go forthing everything on an even keel: Pain is equally balanced by pleasance and hence there is no demand to conceive of an hereafter ( Franklin 27 ) . Franklin views decease as the terminal of the route with an absence of an hereafter. He says, Even if there is an hereafter, there could be no memory of earthly existenceaˆÂ ¦so it could do no difference to us ( Franklin 27 ) . This thought parallels his proposal depicting a babe s degree of consciousness ; Franklin believes babies are non witting of their ain being until the babe feels pain for the first clip. The edginess that babes experience is relative to the pleasance they feel every bit good. For case, if Franklin creates a expression of pleasance and hurting it would look as such: Pleasure + Pain = 0. Similar to equi librium, Franklin believes in pure balance: The Pain of Labour and Fatigue causes the Pleasure of Rest, equal to that Pain ( Franklin, 28 ) . Franklin tungsten raps up his statement by claiming every adult male and adult female experience an equal sum of pleasance and hurting so that in the hereafter, God is non required to do any other accommodations. Since there is balance, hereafter does non be or hold any important importance in world. Puritans, contrary to Franklin s positions, believe people are of course evil animals and necessitate to be guided by authorization. John Winthrop, a seventeenth century frequent incumbent governor of Massachusetts, declares that civil freedom is the most right autonomy under God. The first type of autonomy, natural, is evil by nature and incorrect under the eyes of God: The exercising and maintaining of this autonomy makes work forces turn more evil and in clip to be worse than brute beastsaˆÂ ¦This [ sort of autonomy ] is that great enemy of truth and peace ( Winthrop, 1 ) . Winthrop s positions of autonomy and Puritanism are evidently different from what Franklin believes. Franklin believes worlds are of course good and can make no evil when Winthrop believes people are born evil and need to be monitored. Winthrop says Puritans must follow civil autonomies because they are merely and what God intended. This autonomy symbolizes the compact between God and adult male in the m oral jurisprudence. Winthrop says specifically this autonomy comes from Jesus to do us free to idolize him: Such is the autonomy of the church under the authorization of Christ ( Winthrop, 1 ) . Puritans unrecorded and dice for the civil autonomies of Christ and genuinely believe in his powers to command us. John Dane in his narrative, A Declaration of Remarkable Providences in the Course of My life, exemplify and turn out the beliefs of all Puritans after he refuses the sexual comfort of a lady and gives the recognition to God: I thank God I neer yet knew [ sexually ] any but those two married womans God gave meaˆÂ ¦God taketh attention of us when we take no attention of ourselves ( Dane, 8 ) . In Dane s eyes, the civil autonomies of the settlement allowed him to avoid wickedness. This same illustration arises in Mary Rowlandson s narrative when she refuses an offering of baccy and raps herself on the dorsum: I thank God, he has now given me power over it ( Rowlandson, 18 ) . These illustrations show the important differences between Deists and Purists, for the Deists believe they can make good Acts of the Apostless themselves but the Purists believe God allowed them to make good workss and trials them. Another faithful Puritan, Michael Wigglesworth, known for his verse form about Hell, The Day of Doom, opposes Franklin s positions sing the absence of an hereafter and the ability to move morally. As described earlier, Franklin believes an hereafter is wholly false under the eyes of Deism. Franklin says an hereafter shall non even be considered because it makes no difference ; if our earthly experience will non be recalled the hereafter is merely irrelevant. However, Wigglesworth strongly believes in an hereafter. After reading the transition, he apparently merely cares to state everybody they are traveling to Hell someday: Traveling to Hell will be those who were non able to acquire or understand this offer of redemption ( Wigglesworth, 4 ) . Everyone who is non a Puritan or non predestined to Heaven is traveling to hell. He elaborates and specifies the hapless psyches: the mentally retarded will travel to Hell, Indians are destined for Hell, and eventually babes who are non pre destined for redemption will stop up in Hell. This transition reiterates the Puritan thought that people are born evil and can non alter based on their ain virtue. In this twenty-four hours and age, it is highly hard to convert person you are saved and most of the clip ends up really backlashing, converting the individual you are in fact condemned. The differences between Puritanism and Deism continue to originate throughout the journeys of two of import Puritans. Mary Rowlandson s narrative, A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, describes Mary s escapade through imprisonment with the Native Americans and how she believes God has chosen her for redemption wholly standing on the other side of the spectrum of Franklin. The Indians gaining control Mary and one of her kids and subsequently give her a Bible. She takes this as an act of God alternatively of merely a pure happenstance: I can non but take notice of the fantastic clemency of God to me in those afflictions, in directing me a Bible ( Rowlandson 17 ) . Where Deists believe these act by the Indians merely act to function a greater good in their persons lives, Puritans think God tests them and chooses them for redemption. Puritans believe persons destined for redemption must be battled tried, but Deists barely believe in an hereafter and decidedly believe the actions on Earth do non ensue in effect after decease. Rowlandson persuades herself to believe th ese are Acts of the Apostless of God by mentioning her brushs to specific tests in the Bible including her trip down the river: Psalm 137:1, By the rivers of Babylon, there we saw down, yeah, we wept when we remembered Zion ( Rowlandson 18 ) . In Rowlandson s head, God tests her and chooses her for redemption. This observation additions strength when Rowlandson quotes Hebrews and relates it to her life: Heb. Twelve 6, For whom the Lord loveth he chastened, and scourgeth every Son who he receiveth ; but now I see the Lord had his clip to scourge and chastise me ( Rowlandson, 20 ) . Unlike Deists, Rowlandson sees herself as evidently chosen to travel to Heaven familiarising herself with Winthrop, Dane, and Wigglesworth. John Dane, the concluding Puritan with a life altering narrative besides believes God tests him throughout his life to beef up his religion in Him, but one time once more contradicts Franklin s Deist beliefs. When Dane is a immature male child, he runs off from his house because he believes his male parent attempts to command him excessively much. However, as Dane fled his place, his ma said something that changes his life everlastingly, Travel where you will, God he will happen you out ( Dane, 7 ) . During this period in Dane s life, he does non see the Acts of the Apostless of God but alternatively sees the actions as his ain good psyche. A few hebdomads subsequently, a wasp stings Dane twice in the exact same topographic point in a hebdomad s period. As the WASP stings Dane, H2O and blood came out of it which represents Christ s actions in his head. Immediately, Dane remembers the words his female parent said to him as he ran off, so to Dane this as a mark from God. Finally, a Bible was on his parents tabular array at place and he opened it to a page that changed his religion: Come out from among them, touch no dirty thing, and I will be your God and you shall be my people ( Dane, 11 ) . This quotation mark opposes the Deist point of position ; Deists do non utilize the Bible hence do non purchase into the prognostications told throughout the testament. Deists besides do non idolize contrary to the Puritans. However, Dane sees this as another mark from God to alter his religion and give himself to Christ. He eventually believes he can be saved. Finally, after measuring faithful Puritans and up and coming Deists, the differences between the two faiths stick out to readers. Obviously, Franklin has the desire to wholly interrupt away from the train of idea of the rigorous Puritans to make a more loose rational type of faith. The actions, words, and beliefs of Purists and Deists show the surmounting differences between the two faiths.
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